• Residence Hall Contracts & Policies

    Residence Hall Billing

    Residence hall students owing money on their Housing and Dining account will receive an electronic "Notice of Payment Due", showing the amount due and the due dates. Residents who have a past due account will receive an electronic "Notice of Overdue Account". This will be found in myWSU. Overdue accounts are subject to a late fee.

    Housing Contract Termination

    Checkouts at the end of fall semester must be completed before you leave campus. For all contract terminations please refer to your Housing and Dining Financial Contract to obtain our policy on charges and refunds. All residents must verify their intention to terminate their contract by clicking on the myHousing Contract link and accessing their online contract prior to termination. A checkout is not valid unless the online termination process is completed correctly and the requested termination is approved by Housing Services. Failure to receive approval from Housing Services to terminate the contract will result in additional charges.

    Additional Contracts and Fees

    Changing Your Residence Hall

    If you are currently living in a residence hall and wish to move to either another hall or another room, see your Residential Education Director. Once your request has been received, we will look on our waiting list to determine if other assignment changes are ahead of you and to determine space availability. If space is available, you will receive a hall transfer card authorizing your move. The new room will be assigned to you and you'll be given a date which you must complete the move by. You need to check-out properly from your current space, which involves turning in keys to your front desk and completing the room inventory agreement. View your my.wsu.edu account balance due for cost changes.

    Failure to complete this process properly may result in charges to your account. If you have questions, please ask your Residential Education Director.

  • Single Student Apartments Contracts & Policies

    2024-2025 Contract

    2023-2024 Contract

    If you are accessing this page from the SSA application, please use your browser’s back button to return to the application.

    Additional Contracts and Fees

    All documents will open in a new window. To open PDF files you will need Adobe Reader or another similar program.

  • Family/Graduate Student Contracts & Policies

    If you are accessing this page from the online application, please use your browser's back button to return to the application.

    Additional Contracts, Fees and Policies

  • First Year Live In Requirement

    The Washington Administrative Code (WAC 504-24-030) requires all single undergraduate first year students under 20 years of age to live in residence halls for one academic year.

    The policy is based on the belief, substantiated by national and local data regarding the benefits of living in first year approved housing, that our living and learning environments offer the highest educational value to students. Further, there is a decided interest in the education, well-being, health, safety and convenience of all our students. Irrespective of religion, ethnicity, race, lifestyle, gender or ability, our students benefit from interaction with other students as well as the academic and social support services offered by our residence life staff.

    Exemptions will be considered when a student demonstrates to WSU that:

    1. The student has attended an institution of higher education (post high school graduation) as a regularly enrolled student for at least two regular semesters or three regular quarters, excluding summer sessions. Running Start students are considered first year students with college credits, not regularly enrolled students, and are subject to the live-in requirements.  Include Documentation: Transcripts, official or unofficial.
    2. The student is living with immediate family in a family situation. Mother and/or father, legal guardian, aunt or uncle, or grandparents only qualify as "immediate family." Immediate family must live within a 40 mile radius of the WSU Pullman campus. Include Documentation: Proof of residency and address of immediate family member (lease for apartments and utility bill for single family homes). Birth certificates/marriage license showing relationship to the immediate family. A letter from the immediate family member verifying you are living with them.
    3. The student can demonstrate they have a documented medical or psychological condition that clearly shows living in on-campus student housing would have a detrimental effect on the student’s personal physical health and/or emotional well being. Required Documentation: Both forms must be submitted: First-year Live-in Rule Verification of Disability/Chronic Health Condition must be filled out by a licensed medical provider. All questions must be answered by the medical provider, incomplete forms will not be considered.  The First-year Live-in Rule Student Personal Statement.
    4. The student can demonstrate that living in recognized University housing would cause undue financial hardship or other extraordinary hardship Please note: WSU Housing does not consider financial hardship exceptions if you are able to accept or take on more loans but are unwilling or choose not to. A signed lease elsewhere does not preclude you from the First Year Live-in Requirement. Include Required Documentation:
      Financial Hardship Documentation: Copy of financial aid award information, budget sheet & personal statement showing expenses comparing the costs of living on-campus versus off-campus and describing the unique circumstances, and any additional information that clarifies an extraordinary financial circumstance.
      Extraordinary Hardship Documentation: include a personal statement describing the unique circumstances and any additional information that clarifies an extraordinary circumstance.

    Applications for permission to reside off campus are available to be submitted online at the link below.  Applications are reviewed and a determination is made whether an exemption will be granted. Individuals applying for such exemption will be informed of the decision in writing via their WSU student email.  Do not sign a lease until you have received written notification of approval. If you have questions about the above exceptions, please reach out to WSU Housing at housing@wsu.edu or (509) 335-4577.

    If a student feels that the decision was not in accordance with Residence Life policy or Washington State law, or if there is new information which might reasonably impact the decision, students may request a review of the decision by submitting a written appeal to the office of the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@wsu.edu). The appeal should include any new documentation or information that would be relevant. The office of the Dean of Students will review the information and an appeal decision will be sent to the student's WSU email.

    Submit the waiver request online.  Requests submitted without supporting documentation will be denied.  Waiver requests can take up to 14 days to be reviewed and processed.  Students should check their WSU emails for official letters once a waiver has been processed.

    If you are found to be eligible for this waiver, you may still be responsible for all penalty fees as a result of breaking your contract.

  • Contract Appeal

    The Contract Appeal Committee was created for the purpose of providing an avenue for students who have contractual problems that cannot be resolved through normal administrative channels. The Committee is comprised of students and administrators who meet on a regular basis.

    For the Freshmen Live-in Rule, please read the information and appeal through this form.

    If you would like to submit an appeal to the Housing and Dining Contract Appeals Committee, complete the online form.

    Please follow these directions:

    1. Make sure your appeal includes your name, WSU ID, and the address to which our response is to be sent.
    2. Clearly state the specific request you are making (i.e., release from contract without penalty, waiver of late fees, reversal of damage charges). Please read your contract carefully so you will know the specific clause you are appealing.
    3. Describe in detail and as clearly as possible the situation that led to the dispute. Please give hard facts (specific names, dates, times, etc.) and provide as much supportive material as possible. If appropriate, attach documents such as copies of your closing statement, doctor's statements on their letterhead, roommate or witness statements, etc. that will help the committee understand the reason for your appeal.
    4. Above all, show that extenuating circumstances exist in your case; things that were above and beyond your ability to predict and prevent.

    Please submit your appeal online and watch for messages, sent to the email address you entered, from the committee as they ask questions, ask for additional documentation, and make a decision regarding your appeal. After the Committee meets to consider your appeal, you will be notified of its decision by email. If you have questions, please contact Housing and Residence Life at 509-335-4577.

  • Payment Policy

    Residents are expected to keep their accounts current at all times. The full semester is due by the first day of class each semester. Residents who wish to sign up for the university payment plan can make four equal payments, which includes tuition and fees.  

    For any student living in residence halls or single student apartments, financial aid will automatically pay any excess funds (after tuition and fees have been paid) to Housing & Dining Financial Services, up to the amount due for the semester. Students who are experiencing delays in receiving financial aid or scholarship funds are expected to contact Housing & Dining Financial Services at 509-335-8625 to discuss their options prior to their account becoming delinquent.

    Residents with poor credit history with Housing and Dining Financial Services may not be eligible for university housing. WSU Housing and Dining Financial Services reserves the right to deny future housing assignments to a resident with a history of more than one delinquency letter; more than one notice to vacate; cleaning, damage, and/or overdue charges in excess of $200; or, other factors that are indicative of poor credit history.

  • Third Party Access

    As a parent or guardian of a first time student, you may have previously been given access to your student’s records without needing Third Party Access (TPA) from your student.  Under FERPA guidelines (opens new window)  starting August 19, the first day of classes, TPA will be required before  Housing & Dining Financial Services is able to share any detailed information regarding your student’s account. TPA is granted by students accessing their my.wsu.edu account and going to >Main Menu> Self Service> Third Party Access. Watch step by step video instructions for TPA.  Although many students simply share their access with parents, please note that without TPA detailed financial information cannot be shared or discussed without the student present.

  • Rental Release Information
    • Please be advised that the Buckley Amendment does not allow us to give any information on your WSU Housing and Dining account without a written release from you.  If you would like us to release your rental dates to a specific landlord or mortgage lender, please have the landlord or mortgage lender fax your written authorization to 509-335-3415.

      If you would like to provide your payment history for campus housing to future landlords or mortgage lenders, please follow the instructions below to access the information in myWSU.

      How to access Housing Payment History

      1. Go to my.wsu.edu and find the Campus Finances section.

      2. Click on "Go to my Campus Finance Account" (highlighted in yellow above). 

      3. Choose the desired activity and the date range. Portal will show charges and payments.