Elmira White Honors Hall

Emphasis in Academics

Elmina White Honors Hall is home to suite-style living and the Honors College, complete with a library, classrooms, and faculty offices. Residents can take advantage of in-hall involvement with Honors Program faculty. 

Honors Study Lounge
Honors Bed Desk
Honors Double Wide
Honors Exterior Side
Honors Lounge Gaming
Honors Single
Honors Student Room
Honors Students Lounge
Housing & Residence Life Office

Housing & Residence Life Office

This hall is closed for the summer. For questions, please contact the Housing & Residence Life Office.

Quick Facts

  • Coed
  • Built in 1928 and remodeled in 2001
  • Honors College Library, classrooms and faculty offices

Neighborhood Central Campus

Walking Time to CUB: 7 minutes

Walking Time to SPARK: 8 minutes

Hillside Area Desk

Located in McCroskey Residence Hall (1055 NE Campus Ave.)

Hillside Area Desk Phone: 509-335-3087

View Area Desk Details

Nearby Recreation

Chinook Student Center

Room Types

  • Single Room
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       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorViewEngine.LocatePageFromPath(String executingFilePath, String pagePath, Boolean isMainPage)
       at Umbraco.Cms.Web.Website.ViewEngines.ProfilingViewEngine.GetView(String executingFilePath, String viewPath, Boolean isMainPage)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.RenderPartialCoreAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TextWriter writer)
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    Occupancy: One student

    Furnishings: Closet, twin bed, chest of drawers, desk

    Suite style with living room, single and double bedrooms, and shared bathrooms.

    View Housing & Dining Rates

  • Double Room
    Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.CompilationFailedException: One or more compilation failures occurred:
    W:\web\Websites\HousingDining\Umbraco_Housing\Umbraco_13\app_plugins\doctypegrideditor\render\doctypegrideditor.cshtml(1,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'DocTypeGridEditor' does not exist in the namespace 'Our.Umbraco' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
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    ch3icme3.ejr(40,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DocTypeGridEditorHelper' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.CompileAndEmit(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, String generatedCode)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.CompileAndEmit(String relativePath)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.OnCacheMiss(String normalizedPath)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorViewEngine.CreateCacheResult(HashSet`1 expirationTokens, String relativePath, Boolean isMainPage)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorViewEngine.LocatePageFromPath(String executingFilePath, String pagePath, Boolean isMainPage)
       at Umbraco.Cms.Web.Website.ViewEngines.ProfilingViewEngine.GetView(String executingFilePath, String viewPath, Boolean isMainPage)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.RenderPartialCoreAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TextWriter writer)
       at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.PartialAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
       at AspNetCore.Views_Partials_grid_editors_base.ExecuteAsync() in W:\web\Websites\HousingDining\Umbraco_Housing\Umbraco_13\Views\Partials\grid\editors\base.cshtml:line 6

    Occupancy: Two students

    Furnishings: Two closets, twin beds, chest of drawers, desks

    Suite style with living room, single and double bedrooms, and shared bathrooms.

    View Housing & Dining Rates

  • Floor Plans

    First Floor

    Honors first floor plan

    Second Floor

    Honors second floor plan

    Third Floor

    Honors third floor plan

    Fourth Floor

    Honors fourth floor plan


  • What common spaces are available?
    • The hall has a pool table, ping pong table, TV, piano, a full kitchen in the basement.
    • Study lounges on 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors
    • Computer lab in the basement
  • Is this hall accessible?

    Several rooms have wheelchair and hearing accommodations. The hall lobby and lounges, public restroom, computer lab, and recreational spaces in the basement are all accessible.

  • Is there additional storage available?

    There is a small storage space on third floor and bike storage available in the basement.

  • What are the furniture specifications?
    • Bed frames are 84" L by 36" W.
    • Mattresses are 80" L by 36" wide. Sheets with deep pockets fit best.
    • Beds cannot be lofted, but they can be bunked. In some rooms, beds must be bunked.
    • Bed risers can be used to gain storage space.
    • Space under the bed when lofted ranges from 10-21".
    • 42"W by 30"H by 24"D, with a pedestal built into the desk.
    • The dresser is 30"W by 24"D with 3 (30"H) or 7 (46½"H) drawers depending on the room.
    • Some of the closets are 27.6"W by 65"H by 23"D, while others are 35.5"W by 65"H by 23"D.
  • What are room specifications?
    • There are 4-5 outlets depending on room.
    • Bedrooms are carpeted; suite common spaces have laminate flooring.

    Honors Hall has several different room types varying in shape, size, and whether they were designed for one person or two. Two measurements for length or width indicate an extra alcove space, a jog in the wall, or just some extra space in a part of the room, but not extending the entire width or length of the room. Every room is part of a suite. Each suite has a common lounge area, a kitchenette with microwave and refrigerator, and a bathroom/shower area. Here is a listing of the room types and dimensions. Windows are approximately 3'W by 5'6"H.

    Suite 210, 310

    double, 11'W by 11'5"/15'5"L, with 1 window
    B: double, 16"W by 9'4"L, plus an entryway, with 3 windows
    C: double, 10'2"W by 13'4"L, with 1 window

    Suite 215, 315

    double, 11'6"/15'6"W by 11'3"L, with 1 window
    B: double, 16'1"W by 9'6"L, with 3 windows
    C: double, 15'4"/9'6"W by 11'3"L, with 1 window

    Suite 220, 320

    single, 9'10"/8'6"W by 10'3"L, with 1 window
    B: double, 16'W by 9'L, with 3 windows
    C: double, 13'2"W by 12'6"L, with 1 large window

    Suite 225, 325

    single, 9'2"/13'2"W by 10'8"L, with 2 windows
    B: single, 9'8"W by 10'2"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 16'2"W by 9'8"L, with a 5'5"L entryway, with 3 windows

    Suite 230, 330

    double, 8'10"/10'4"W by 14'9"L, with 1 window
    B: double, 8'6"/10'6"W by 14'9"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 14'9"W by 8'10"L, with 4'2" by 4'10" entryway, with 2 windows
    D: double, 11'2"/13'2"W by 9'10"/15'6"L, with 2 windows

    Suite 235, 335

    double, 10'/8'4"W by 15'L, with 1 window
    B: double, 8'/10'W by 15'L, with 1 window
    C: double, 15'W by 9'6"/7'6"L, with a 4'7" by 4'7" entryway, with 2 windows
    D: single, 14'W by 7'5"L, with an extra 4'7" by 4'7" corner, with 1 window

    Suite 240, 340

    single, 13'4"/9'11"W by 10'8"L, with 2 windows
    B: single, 9'4"W by 10'1"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 16'2"W by 9'2"L, with a 4'10" by 3'6" entryway, with 3 windows

    Suite 245, 345

    single, 9'10"/8'2"W by 10'4"L, with 1 window
    B: double, 14'10"W by 9'L, with 3 windows
    C: double, 13'2W by 12'6"L, with 1 large window

    All rooms on 4th have dormer windows, with extra floor space that is not included in the measurements listed below.

    Suite 420

    B: double, 12'/14'W by 13'4"L, with 2 windows
    C: double, 12'6"/14'6"W by 13'3"L, with 2 windows
    D: single, 7'/9'8"W by 13'4"L, with 2 windows
    E: single, 7'/9'8"W by 13'4"L, with 2 windows

    Suite 430

    B: double, 12'6"W by 13'8"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 12'4"W by 13'8"L, with 2 windows
    D: double, 18'4"W by 10'4"L, with a 4'10" by 5'10" entryway, with 2 windows

    Suite 435

    B: double, 12'6"W by 13'8"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 12'4"W by 13'8"L, with 2 windows
    D: double, 21'8"/19'11"W by 10'4"L, with 3 windows

    Suite 440

    B: double, 11'2"W by 12'6"L, with 1 window
    C: double, 16'8"/13'4"W by 12'8", with 2 windows

    Suite 445

    B: double, 12'/14'W by 13'6"L, with 2 windows
    C: single, 10'W by 13'2"L, with 1 window
    D: single, 7'/9'8"W by 13'6"L, with 2 windows
    E: single, 7'/9'8"W by 13'2"L, with 2 windows

  • What is my mailing address?

    Pick up mail and packages at the Hillside Area Desk, located on the ground floor of McCroskey Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Elmina White Honors Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name 
    C/O 1055 NE Campus Ave. 
    Elmina White Honors Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    *Packages sent with "Adult Signature Required" could lead to delays due to a 21 year old signature requirement.

    Physical Building Address*
    600 NE Spokane St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Hillside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • What can I use to hang things on my walls?

    Please use the push pins distributed during move-in. Please do not use 3M mounting products, double-sided mounting products, permanent mounting products, blue mounting putty, masking tape, or duct tape.

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