Residence Hall Mailing Addresses
  • Community Duncan Dunn

    Pick up mail and packages at the Hillside Area Desk, located on the ground floor of McCroskey Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Community/Duncan Dunn Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, Etc. Address*
    C/O 1055 NE Campus Ave
    Community/Duncan Dunn Hall Room (room number)
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    720 NE B St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Hillside Area Desks and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery.

  • Elmina White Honors

    Pick up mail and packages at the Hillside Area Desk, located on the ground floor of McCroskey Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Elmina White Honors Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name 
    C/O 1055 NE Campus Ave. 
    Elmina White Honors Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    600 NE Spokane St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Hillside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Gannon Goldsworthy

    Pick up regular mail in Gannon/Goldsworthy Hall. Pick up packages at the Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk on the ground floor of Gannon/Goldsworthy Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Gannon or Goldsworthy Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. address*
    Student Name
    1457 SE Stadium Way
    Gannon or Goldsworthy Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address

    1457 SE Stadium Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

  • Global Scholars Hall

    Pick up regular mail in Global Scholars Hall. Pick up packages at the Northside Area Desk in the Northside Residence Hall lobby. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Global Scholars Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1590 NE Cougar Way
    Global Scholars Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*

    1302 NE Cougar Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Northside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • McCroskey

    Pick up mail and packages at the Hillside Area Desk, located on the ground floor of McCroskey Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    McCroskey Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name 
    1055 NE Campus Ave. 
    McCroskey Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address
    1055 NE Campus Ave. 
    Pullman, WA 99163

  • McEachern

    Pick up regular mail in McEachern Hall.  Pick up packages at the Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk on the ground floor of Gannon/Goldsworthy Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    McEachern Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    East Units:
    Student Name
    C/O 1457 NE Stadium Way
    McEachern Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    McEachern East
    1506 SE Olympia Ave
    Pullman, WA 99163

    McEachern North
    1504 SE Olympia Ave
    Pullman, WA 99163

    McEachern South
    1500 SE Olympia Ave
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery.

  • Northside

    Pick up regular mail and packages in the Northside Residence Hall lobby. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Northside Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    1590 NE Cougar Way
    Northside Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address
    1590 NE Cougar Way
    Pullman WA 99163

  • Olympia

    Pick up regular mail in Olympia Hall.  Pick up packages at the Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk on the ground floor of Gannon/Goldsworthy Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Olympia Avenue Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1457 NE Stadium Way
    Olympia Ave Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1620 SE Olympia Ave
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Orton

    Pick up mail in Orton Hall. Pick up packages at the Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk on the ground floor of Gannon/Goldsworthy Hall. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Orton Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1457 NE Stadium Way
    Orton Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1475 SE Olympia Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Regents

    Pick up regular mail in Regents Hall. Pick up packages at the Northside Area Desk in the Northside Residence Hall lobby. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Regents Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1590 NE Cougar Way
    Regents Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1580 NE Colorado St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to this address will not be received by Northside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Rogers

    Pick up regular mail in Rogers Hall. Pick up packages at the Gannon Goldsworthy Area Desk.

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address:
    Student Name
    Rogers Hall xxx
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. address:
    Student Name
    C/O 1457 NE Stadium Way
    Rogers Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    (xxx=room number)

  • Scott Coman

    Pick up regular mail in Scott/Coman Hall. Pick up packages at the Northside Area Desk in the Northside Residence Hall lobby. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Scott or Coman Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1590 NE Cougar Way
    Scott or Coman Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1310 NE Colorado St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Northside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Stephenson Complex

    Pick up mail and packages in Stephenson Complex. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address
    Student Name
    Stephenson East or North or South (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    1245 SE Stadium Way
    Stephenson East or North or South (room number)
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Physical Building Address
    1245 SE Stadium Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

  • Stimson

    Pick up regular mail in Stimson Hall. Pick up packages at the Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address:
    Student Name
    Stimson Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1457 NE Stadium Way
    Stimson Hall (room number)
    Pullman WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1355 E College Ave
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Gannon/Goldsworthy Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 

  • Streit Perham

    Pick up regular mail in Streit/Perham Hall. Pick up packages at the Northside Area Desk in the Northside Residence Hall lobby. 

    US Postal Service Letters & Packages Address

    Student Name
    Streit or Perham Hall (room number)
    PO Box 1700
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Fed-Ex, UPS, etc. Address*
    Student Name
    C/O 1590 NE Cougar Way
    Streit or Perham Hall (room number)
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Physical Building Address*
    1620 NE Colorado St
    Pullman, WA 99163

    *Packages sent to the physical building address will not be received by Northside Area Desk and may be left unattended outside the building. It is advised that you use this address only for food delivery. 


Apartment Mailing Addresses
  • Chief Joseph Village

    2025 NE Terre View Dr. Apt #
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes are located on sidewalk between A & B and D & E buildings and in front of F building

  • Columbia Village

    540 SE Forest Way Apt. #

    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes are located on the exterior wall of rec center and outside of X.

  • Nez Perce Village

    1445 NE North Fairway Rd. Apt. #
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes are located in the laundry rooms in B & F buildings.

  • Kamiak

    1650 NE Valley Rd. Apt. #
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailbox is located in street side of F building.

  • Steptoe Village

    1630 NE Valley Rd. Apt. #
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes are located near B, F and R buildings.

  • Terrace

    1401 NE Merman Dr. Apt. #
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes located near end of 200 and 500 buildings.

  • Valley Crest Village

    2280 NE Ellis Way Apt. #

    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes located near end of A building.

  • Yakama Village

    North (Units: A-C)
    675 SE Forest Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

    South (Units: D-Q)
    775 SE Forest Way
    Pullman, WA 99163

    Mailboxes located in front of A & H and in front of laundry rooms in E & L.