Apartment Summer Storage

Graduate Students living in Family/Graduate housing have the option to store their items in their apartment for a short period when they are leaving for academic research elsewhere.



(509) 335-4577

Storage Information

You must have an approved storage application in order to store.

  1. You will need to contact your Apartment Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance of your departure to schedule a storage checkout. (If you are unable to contact your Apartment Coordinator, please call the Housing Office at 335-4577 to schedule a check-out with the Custodial Supervisor.) The check-out takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes to complete. All keys for the apartment must be turned in at the time of checkout. Failure to do so will result in lock change fees for your apartment. Units which do not complete the check-out process will be considered rentals, and residents will be subject to the appropriate rental rate.
  2. Single-Student Apartments: Storage is not an option in the single student apartments. Family Housing: Rent will be charged and due the 1st. If charges are not paid by the 1st of each month, the resident agrees to pay a late payment fee. Rental/Storage charges for other than standard monthly periods will be prorated and based on the date keys are checked-in/checked out. Accounts with checks returned by the bank will be charged a late payment fee, plus a non-sufficient funds fee. We highly recommend all storage charges be paid in advance. We will be happy to estimate the charges for you.
  3. You will not have access to your apartment while in storage. Should a situation arise which would require your entrance, you must request special entry. If approved for entry, we will check out a key to you and require you to return the key immediately or be subject to regular rental rates for the remainder of the summer.
  4. Residents are required to pay all electrical (except Valley Crest) and land-line phone charges. The University will be responsible for water, sewer and garbage charges.
  5. Storage in your apartment is at your own risk. The University is not liable for damage or theft to the personal belongings stored in the unit. It is highly recommended that valuables (e.g. computers, electronic equipment, jewelry, money) not be stored in the unit.
  6. You are welcome to leave pictures and posters on your wall. We may check behind them for damage to the wall.
  7. The unit must be properly cleaned and prepared for storage. This includes:
    1. Cleaning and defrosting refrigerator;
      thermostat set to "1"
    2. Oven cleaned
    3. All food not in cans removed
    4. Bathroom cleaned
    5. Carpets vacuumed
    6. All electrical appliances unplugged - except stove and refrigerator
    7. All combustible materials and firearms removed
    8. Windows and doors locked - security bars available from your coordinator
    9. Fuse box not blocked - you may switch off the fuse for your hot water heater
  8. All University Furniture will be checked for damage. Please do not store any belongings on upholstered furniture.
  9. If your unit is not properly prepared, you will not be cleared for storage. Units not cleared will be subject to summer rental rate.
  10. We will not be completing routine maintenance on any storage units. If you have a maintenance request, contact Housing Maintenance at 335-1541 prior to departing. Please allow enough time for repairs to be completed before you leave. The University reserves the right to enter the apartment for the purpose of routine inspection and required maintenance and repair. The resident further understands damage to the unit or University furnishings found during the course of such inspection will be billed to the resident's account.

Storage Agreement

Current residents apply for storage by completing the storage application on their online contract. The storage application will not be approved until supporting documentation has been received and approved by the Housing Reservations staff. Supporting documentation can be emailed to housing@wsu.edu or faxed to (509) 335 -3415. Questions should be directed to Housing Reservations - (509) 335-4577 - option 2.


  1. Minimum storage period is 8 weeks. Maximum is one academic semester plus summer semester.
  2. Residents must be living in their apartment the semester following the period in storage. (Residents moving out within 90 days of the end of storage will have all storage charges revert to full rental charges.)
  3. The time away from Pullman must be connected to one of the following:
    • a university class
    • a university sponsored internship, field study or fellowship or research project
    • summer employment out of the Pullman area
  4. You will need to provide one of the following supporting documents:
    • proof of registration for summer classes that will take place outside of Pullman
    • letter from department (on department letterhead) stating the resident is involved in an internship, field study, fellowship or research project
    • letter from employer giving dates and location of when resident will be employed


Storage charges will be billed monthly in the amount of $100.00 per month. Rent will be charged and due on the 1st. Storage charges will begin on the date the storage check-out is completed and continue until a key is checked out. Rental/Storage charges for other than standard monthly periods will be prorated. If charges are not paid by the 1st of each month, the resident agrees to pay a late payment fee. Accounts with rent checks returned by the bank will be charged a late payment penalty, plus a return check charge.


It is agreed all keys to the apartment must be returned to the Housing official during the storage inspection. Any keys not returned will result in the primary resident being charged lock change fees. If a resident checks out a key for the above stated unit, the unit will no longer be considered to be in storage and the resident will be charged summer rent.


The resident is responsible for paying all electrical and phone charges for unit during storage period. The University reserves the right to bill the resident's account for any unpaid balance or delinquency that reverts to the University due to the resident's nonpayment. A $25 handling fee will be added to each balance billed.


We will not be completing routine maintenance on any storage units. If you have a maintenance request, contact Housing Maintenance at 335-1541 prior to departing. Please allow enough time for repairs to be completed before you leave. The University reserves the right to enter the apartment for the purpose of routine inspection and required maintenance and repair. The resident further understands damage to the unit or University furnishings found during the course of such inspection will be billed to the resident's account.


The resident agrees storage of all personal belongings in the unit is at the resident's own risk. The resident agrees Washington State University will not be held liable for damage or theft to the personal belongings stored in the unit.


Entry into storage units is not allowed. Resident will pay full monthly rental rates when keys are issued to unit.


The unit must be properly cleaned and prepared for storage and a storage checkout completed. Once approved for storage, you will need to contact your Apartment Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance of your departure to schedule a storage checkout. (If you are unable to contact your Apartment Coordinator, please call the Housing Office at 335-4577 option 2 to schedule a check-out with the Custodial Supervisor.) The check-out takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. All door keys for the apartment must be turned at the time of checkout. (You may keep mail keys if they are separate from door keys.) Failure to return all door keys will result in a $75 lock change on your apartment. Units which do not complete the check-out process will be considered rentals, and residents will be subject to the appropriate rental rate.

Residents not completing the checkout process will be considered in residence and charged the regular monthly rental rate.

The unit must be properly cleaned and prepared for storage. This includes:

  1. Cleaning and defrosting refrigerator; thermostat set to "1"
  2. Oven cleaned
  3. All food not in cans removed
  4. Bathroom cleaned
  5. Carpets vacuumed
  6. All electrical appliances unplugged - except stove and refrigerator
  7. All combustible materials and firearms removed
  8. Windows and doors locked - security bars available from your coordinator
  9. Fuse box not blocked - you may switch off the fuse for your hot water heater

I have read and understand the terms of the STORAGE AGREEMENT and accept this agreement with Washington State University. I understand my request will not be considered until Housing Reservations receives the supporting documentation.