Be a leader in your community.

Becoming an RA is a one-of-a-kind leadership opportunity that teaches communication, team building, and conflict mediation skills. RAs can have an incredible positive impact on students' experience at WSU. They also receive a level 3 resident meal plan and housing in the residence hall they're assigned to.

  • What do RAs do?

    Resident Advisors work and live in residence halls to help create safe and engaged communities. There are a variety of communities and staffs that RAs could work on: 25-50 residents, staff of 5-12, single-gender, coed, large, small, first year, 19+ older, learning living communities. 

    RAs will keep their floors informed about on-campus events and resources, help solve conflicts between residents, and put on programs and events. Some things RAs may encounter:

    • Discuss a resident's personal concerns
    • Make referrals to Cougar Health Services
    • Plan and implement a social or educational program
    • Facilitate a conversation about a roommate conflict
    • Facilitate a floor meeting
    • Discuss academics and refer to academic resources 
    • Participate in on-call rotation in community and complete rounds of community
    • Have conversations regarding policy or contract violations
    • Build relationships with residents on the floor
    • Serve on-call overnight supporting safety and security of residents
  • Position Qualifications

    RA's serve in a part time role, and while the scheduled hours are flexible due to the nature of the position, you can plan on spending about 20 hours per week on the job.


    • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 based on credits earned at WSU.
    • Status as a full-time student, carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.
    • Attend Fall & Spring training as outlined in the application.
    • Attend weekly staff meetings on Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m.
    • Attend weekly or bi-weekly meetings with RED supervisor.
    • Successful completion of a criminal background check.

    Characteristics we look for:

    • Positive attitude
    • Open minded
    • Creative problem solver
    • Critical thinker
    • Team player
    • Good communication skills
    • Inclusive mindset
    • Manage time effectively
    • Maintain composure in stressful situations
  • RAs & Fraternities/Sororities

    You can be involved in WSU fraternities and sororities and be an RA. If you plan to join a residential chapter, you will want to make sure that you are able to be a live-out member of your fraternity or sorority as your position requires you to live in the residence halls.

    Formal recruitment happens during opening and Week of Welcome. Balancing participation in formal recruitment is not possible at this time. 

  • Compensation

    Resident Advisors receive compensation in the form of their room cost and a level 3 meal plan.

  • Training

    Information about training requirements will be outlined in the acceptance letter.

Application Process

The selection process includes your application and two interviews.

  • Application

    The short answer questions on the application are scored as part of the overall candidate score.

  • Committee Review

    The selection committee is made up of current RAs, and professional staff members within the Department of Residence Life. The committee meets regularly in order to review all candidates' application materials.   

  • Individual Interview

    Every completed application receives an interview offer. Interviews are conducted as part of the selection process. The interview is led by a Residential Education Director (RED) and an SRA/RA. You will be asked questions pertaining to your personal experiences related to the RA position.

  • What if I can't make my interview?

    Within 48 hours of your scheduled interview time, please email

  • Placement

    The selection committee looks at your building preferences, your evaluator's recommendations, and your application so that you can be placed in a community and on a staff where we think your talents will be well utilized. Placement letters are traditionally sent in April/May. 

  • Alternate Pool

    Each year we have more people applying to be paraprofessionals than we have spots initially available. As a result, we place a number of applicants into what is called the alternate pool, commonly called the pool. This means we would like you on staff, but we don't currently have an open position to offer you! Those who are placed in the pool are still in the running to become paraprofessionals. Traditionally throughout the Spring Semester and into the summer, we will have a number of students decide that they are no longer interested in being a Resident Advisor. Each time we have an opening, someone from the pool will be selected to fill the opening, but it is impossible to know for sure if and when you could be hired from the pool.

  • Off Campus Housing

    We often hire people from the alternate pool throughout the summer. People who have signed leases for off campus housing, and are then offered the RA position, often must decline as they are locked into a lease. We recommend considering returning to the Residence Halls or applying to live in University owned apartments as then your contract can be transferred if you are offered an RA position.